Sunday, July 30, 2006

poker is hard, etc

was deep in 100+9, AK < AJ, sigh.

two hands, both weirdish semibluffs. though I gotta say I'm a little addicted to raising in early position with these suited connectors lately. the next step? reraising with them!

3. blinds 120/240/25

i have 4700, villain has 6700.

I open 8c7c in MP1 for 700, villain calls, all fold.

flop (1985) 9h9d6c

I push? (4k behind)

4. blinds 200/400/50

I have 6200, villain 15k

I open raise Ts8s from MP1 to 1200, folds to BB who calls.

flop (3050) Ah 7s 6s

ck, I push? (5k behind)

in both hands my draws were so big I couldn't fold, and the pot size in both cases was, I think, significant enough to warrant the immediate push. in the first hand, I thought about c/r all in, but realized that would give villain 2.3-1, big enough price that he'd have a +ev call with two overs or smaller pair.
the second hand is a standard situation where I want to bet/raise my draw not only as a semibluff but also to increase the chances that I can win by pairing up, or even fold a better hand. (Ac 2c?)

the thing is, I ran some ranges on both and my draws are so big in both cases that I'm never worse than 50%, unless I'm up against a set. so maybe I want action? but then the counterweight is that the pot in the first hand is 1/2 my stack, 3/5 in the second. winning that pot is enough, I think.

the new br, after cashing out 5.5k, is 1.3k
np, new mountain goats

Saturday, July 22, 2006


two final tables this week. feeling slightly better about the experiment. also psychologically accomodating the swings a little bit. QQ vs 45s on 444 board? que sera, sera.

a lot of negative reviews of the law school plan, including one this PM from the smartest person I know in san francisco. hm. nonetheless I standardize.

Monday, July 17, 2006

extremely intoxicated blog

yes, bottle of chianti plus sixer of bud light. fuck yeah.

wsop satellite=busted four hands in. no kidding. 99 vs QQ and it came Q9x. (sigh) have I mentioned that I hate poker?

ok, so here's a thing jmk and (if you're reading this) dr. c (I mean dr. c. nee h. now d.) would appreciate: I went to the bodega to buy some alcohol, and I thought, "it might be nice to have a snack cake of some kind." that gateau turned out to be a two-fer of hostess cupcakes, the opening of which I believe the residents of XXX joyce hayes way in south boston determined was the finest sound on earth. I'm here to report the plastic crinkles as seductively as ever.

also I saw thurston moore on saturday for those of you who care.

Friday, July 14, 2006


apparently, one can still qualify for the WSOP at full tilt; sunday at 3, 100 seats guaranteed. I'm in off a satellite this AM, so the experiment is still a little bit alive.

I will, however, be taking a practice LSAT sunday from 10-2, so the day can serve as 1) a series of puzzling but ultimately pointless logical stimuli, 2) an either-or thought experiment, 3) an excuse for heavy drinking that PM.

Thursday, July 06, 2006


played my last WSOP satellite. 7th, top 3 cashed. and things were going very well, too.

L told me "congratulations on getting 7th!"

and then I wanted to kill myself.



ok, I'm pulling the plug on the experiment. I could make a thousand excuses--ran bad, too distracted, unhealthy, etc.--but ultimately, I lack something: skill, or persistence, or equanimity.

anyway, I am not accustomed to admitting failure, but there it is. here's to acquiescing to domesticity and applying to law school. L, needless to say, is thrilled, thought she's decorously holding it in.

uh, if anyone knows where I can get a job, I'm all ears.

well, at least I made $5,500. could be worse.

fuck, though, I ran really good for a while.